The Metropolitan Basketball Association or simply THE METRO is the product of more than 20 years worth of thought and design. It has been a long time coming and I am thrilled to bring it to life here in 2012, better late than never at all.

OUR MISSION: To create a basketball services operation that prides itself on playing, teaching, and operating in the most basic fundamental and ethical ways possible, while providing the most comprehensive products & services for your money.

There are most likely hundreds of other basketball service companies and choices out there to choose from.  Most are a complete waste of money. Their leagues are run poorly, their training is hardly worth the money they charge, and their camps are basically glorified day care services.

THE MBA focuses solely on BASKETBALL and strives to become the most value added basketball services company in the state of New Jersey.  We will not stop until we have achieved that goal!

Thank You,
Michael Snell
E-Mail The Metro NJ

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